Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Feb. 22

Well today is Feb. 22 , I have been doing good but i cheated last night hehe , I went to a cooking class that my mom got for me called creative cooking school. The food we made I got to eat so the dessert was a nono but hey it was just a couple of bites and it was fun :) One of the things we made was ricotta gnocchi yum , I am going to make this with rice flour and almond flour instead of AP flour and see how it turns out. I will put the recipe up when i make them :)

Friday, February 17, 2012

5 Great Candida Fighting Herbs

5 Great Candida Fighting Herbs

candida-fighting-herbsOften the first place most people turn to when faced with a yeast infection is the medicine cabinet or the pharmacy. This medicine can have some not so pleasant side effects and often doesn’t solve underlying problems that caused the Candidiasis in the first place.
There are five  herbs that can be incorporated into the diet that can help you say good bye to yeast infections forever. What’s even better, these herbs aren’t from some secret, rare plant in the deep parts of the rain forest, but they are easily attainable from any natural food store or supplement company.

1. Cayenne Pepper

These spicy little dynamos have amazing immune strengthening and antimicrobial properties.  You can place 1/2 teaspoon in a glass of water and drink twice a day. Also, fresh cayenne’s can be put in your favorite recipes. If you don’t like the spice, you can buy cayenne capsules and drink a glass of water after swallowing them.

2. Garlic

Garlic has so many amazing health properties including anti-microbial. You can take the extract a 3 to 4 times a day and don’t forget to use fresh garlic in your cooking. If your worried about smelling like garlic, you can easily find odorless varieties.

3. Coconut Oil

The health benefits of coconut oil are being understood more everyday and coconut oil has shown Candida fighting properties. Use it in you cooking or take 3 to 5 tablespoons a day.

4. Oregano Oil

Just one drop a day needs to be incorporated into your diet to see the yeast fighting properties.
ADP is the best one :)

5. Olive Leaf

I’ve already wrote an article talking about this amazing herb so read more about the olive leaf here. You can start by taking 21 capsules and then followed by 9 capsules daily. Once the Candida infection clears up, you can take a few capsules a day as a preventative. Make sure the supplement is made from whole dried leaves.
These five easily found herbs can help you be free from yeast infections along with the dietary recommendations found of this site. Note that when these remedies are taken in high doses the user can experience Candida die off symptoms which can be uncomfortable. It’s better to start taking these herbs in small doses and work your way up to the full dose gradually with the exception of the olive leaf supplement.

Coconut Chicken with Spinach

Coconut Chicken with Spinach

Coconut chicken with spinach
For 2 servings:
1 large chicken breast (chopped)
3 cups baby spinach
1 large onion (chopped)
1/2 cup coconut milk
3 tablespoons coconut oil
Handful of almonds
Salt and pepper to taste

Add almonds to the food processor to chop them up, then lightly brown in a pan with coconut oil. Set aside.
In a pot, add the coconut milk and spinach, then cover on a low heat to simmer.
Now add the onions to a pan for 2 minutes, then add chicken until thoroughly cooked. Take the chicken and onions and add them to the pot with the coconut milk and spinach. Stir and cover for 2 minutes. Served garnished with toasted almonds, salt and pepper.

Do You Have Candida?

Do You Have Candida?

Everyone has Candida, and a significant proportion of us may have Candidiasis, or an overgrowth of Candida. Candida starts to cause trouble when there is some change in your body that allows it to overgrow. This change could be anything from a few courses of antibiotics, a prolonged diet rich in carbohydrates and sugar, or even something as common as a lengthy period of stress at work.
So if you suspect that you have an overgrowth, the first place to look is your lifestyle to find what could have caused this imbalance. Antibiotics? Oral contraceptives? A diet high in sugar and carbohydrates? Alcohol and drugs? Stress? Or all of the above? Eliminating all of these risk factors is a crucial step in tackling your Candida problem.
Many sufferers of Candidiasis remain undiagnosed by their doctors and unaware of their condition. Unfortunately, many doctors don't recognize the systemic problems that Candidiasis causes. They only treat the symptoms such as vaginal infection or oral thrush. Don't be surprised if your doctor thinks it's all in your head and sends you off with a anti-depression prescription. Some healthcare professionals don't believe in Candida, so you need to find a doctor with an open mind, or see a naturopath, homeopathic doctor or kinesiologist.

Candida Symptoms

Candida Symptoms

Candida symptoms Candida is such a difficult condition to diagnose because it can affect each sufferer in a different way, on a different part of their body, in a way that may even be unique to that person.
For this reason, Candida is often misdiagnosed and the symptom is treated instead of the underlying cause, rather like taking a lozenge for a throat infection!
Practically, patients often have to diagnose themselves because the symptoms of Candida are so confusing. The consensus is that many more people are suffering from Candida than those few who are diagnosed correctly.
You may find yourself suffering from any or all of the following symptoms if you have Candida:


Inability to focus, Poor memory, Brain fog, Irritability, Anger, Dizziness, Depression, Crying spells, Panic attacks, Low libido, Persistent extreme fatigue, Hyperactivity, Cravings for sweets and alcohol, Insomnia, Poor coordination.


Acid reflux, Bloating, Flatulence, Nausea, Diarrhea, Constipation, Stomach cramps, Indigestion, Burping after meals, Mucus in stool, Hemorrhoids, Itching anus.


Acne, Cysts, Hives, Night sweats, Psoriasis, Eczema, Dermatitis, Fungal infections of the nails & skin, Athlete's foot, Body odor.


Thrush (white coating on tongue), Swollen lower lip, Halitosis, Metallic taste in mouth, Bad breath, Canker sores, Bleeding gums, Cracked tongue.


Persistent cough, Mucus in throat, Sore throat, Sinus congestion, Chronic post-nasal drip, Flu-like symptoms, Hay fever symptoms, Sinusitis, Asthma.


Eye pain, Itchy eyes, Sensitivity to light, Blurred vision, Bags under eyes, Ringing in the ears, Ear infections.


Recurring yeast infections, Recurring UTI’s (urinary tract infections), Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), PMS & menstrual irregularities, Fungal rash.


Frequent colds and flu, Allergies, Sensitivities to food, fragrances and chemicals.


Inability to lose weight, Water retention, Weight loss.


Headaches, Heart palpitations, Chronic body pain and/or joint pains, Muscle aches and stiffness.
Check out our Candida Questionnaire to see if you might have excess Candida growth.
Expert Leon Chaitow says in his book that, "Candida is possibly the least understood, most widespread cause of continuing ill health currently in our midst." Think of all the people suffering from the above symptoms, think of the number of times that you yourself have suffered from them, and you can see how this might be true!

Candida Misdiagnosis

Your doctor might confuse any of the following conditions with Candida. The reason is that the symptoms are often exactly the same, and Candida may manifest itself in any combination of those symptoms.
We have listed here some of the possible misdiagnoses, together with the symptom that your doctor has focused on. Remember, your doctor is relying on you for an accurate description of your symptoms, so make sure you tell him everything!
IBS - abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, indigestion
Arthritis - joint pain
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - constant fatigue
Diaper Rash - rashes and itching in infants
Athlete's Foot - Fungus on toenails
Crohn's Disease - abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, indigestion
Gastroenteritis - abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, indigestion
A Candida misdiagnosis can actually encourage Candida to grow further. If your doctor believes that you have IBS, Crohn's Disease or Gastroenteritis, he may prescribe the anti-inflammatory Cortisone. This introduces steroids to the gut, which will increase the growth of Candida colonies

What is Candida Albicans?

What is Candida Candida Albicans is an opportunistic fungus (or form of yeast) that is the cause of many undesirable symptoms ranging from fatigue and weight gain, to joint pain and gas.
The Candida yeast is a part of the gut flora, a group of microorganisms that live in your mouth and intestine. When the Candida population starts getting out of control it weakens the intestinal wall, penetrating through into the bloodstream and spreading throughout the body.
As it spreads it produces toxic by-products that cause damage to your body tissues and organs, wreaking havoc on your immune system. The major waste product of yeast cell activity is Acetaldehyde, a poisonous toxin that promotes free radical activity in the body. Acetaldehyde is also converted by the liver into ethanol (drinking alcohol). Some people even report feeling a drunk or hungover feeling along with debilitating fatigue from the high amounts of ethanol is their system.